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 » A chorus of frogs near Chimachi Nursery School

A chorus of frogs near Chimachi Nursery School

Rice planting started in Isumi area.

There are tractors on the road and it causes traffic jam sometimes… but I got used to it already.

Elderly ladies and men with work clothing are busy working at paddy fields.

When I went to Former Chimachi Nursery School yesterday evening for cleanup after Isumi Life Market event,

I heard a chorus of frogs.

This is something that you cannot hear in a city…

I remembered that I had missed this chorus when I was out of Isumi and could not hear this chorus of frogs.

If you are one who shifted to Isumi from a city, you may be surprised.

But don’t worry, you will get used to it soon.

Summer is the real season for the chorus of frogs, and they are now practicing. You can hear the sound in the you tube site.

Please listen this You Tube, imaging the country view of Isumi.

( UI / Yasuko )

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