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 » About NPO Isumi Lifestyle Laboratory

About NPO Isumi Lifestyle Laboratory

Purpose of Establishment and Overview

+This organization shall provide support for community development related projects, as well as additional support for local residents centered on Isumi City and various community development organizations. Its intention is to contribute to the enhancement of public welfare, including the development of active and vibrant residents, comprehensive community development, and the conservation of natural environment as a local resource.
(Abstract from Articles of Incorporation)

+This organization was launched when the 3 towns (machi) were merged as Isumi City, and initiated with a “Study Session on Thinking About Isumi City” that was conducted by the youth of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Isumi City.
We subsequently promoted “community development” with our focus on Promotion of Relocation and Settlement in concert with public administration.
We will continue to work on the future development of a bright and prosperous community, one which our citizens shall be proud to be a part of, while properly engaging the natural environment of Isumi City.


May 1, 2008

+Number of Member (as of end of July, 2010)
Full member 17, Supporting member 3, Volunteer member 2

475 Choja-machi, Misaki-cho, Isumi City, Chiba
Phone:0470-62-6730 / Fax:0470-62-6731

+Character “Makibeh”


In Isumi City, you will often find a house surrounded by the Chinese black pine tree. This beautiful hedging fence is called “Makibeh” and is considered a treasure of the region. We had created our “Makibeh” motif based on this black pine tree fence and adopted this motif in the hope of preserving the city’s beautiful landscape and harmony with nature. This concept shall be the base of our community development.

<<“Makibeh’s diary”>>


Kazue Takahara

ISUMI City council member / Senior professional Vegetable-Sommelier/BOSO machizukuri campany Ltd. Representative Director

[Vice chairperson]
Masaaki Kuribayashi
Kuribayashi Printing Service Representative Director

Yuji Okumura
Itamiya Ltd. Representative Director / BOSO machizukuri campany Ltd. Directors

Masahiko Ohota

ISUMI City council member

Nobuhiro Uochi
ISUMI City council member
Uochi Construction Co., Ltd. Representative Director

Shigeyuki Imazeki
Imazeki Kanban (Billboards)

Shinya Yukawa
SOTOBO Base Real Estate Representative Director

Yasuhito Hashimoto
Misaki Sekiyu Ltd.
Wild Kids Auto Camping Field / Executive Director

Yukio Teduka
BOSO Wildlife Institute President

Masayuki Ishizaki

Seven-Eleven Kazusa Isumi Store / Owner

Shigemasa Takagi
Filmmaker/Isumi City Settlement Promotion Association Vice-Chairman

Masayoshi Kimizuka

Isumi Chamber of Commerce Vice President

Copyright (c) NPO Isumi Lifestyle Laboratory, all rights reserved.