These days more families with children are seeking for consultation for relocation.
One family who is considering relocation from Gunma prefecture visited our office today.
The father is currently too busy with his work to spend time with his children.
So that he is going to change his job, and also consider to relocate at the same timing.
They happened to know Iisumi-shi and visited us seeking for consultation.
Here is the list of questions that are often asked by families with children.
>Children waiting to enroll in nursery school
* Currently there is no child waiting to enroll in nursery school.
If you wish to place your child in a nursery school that is already full to capacity, however, you may have to choose another nursery school.
The application will be accepted from November or so every year.
Once you decide which nursery school you wish to enroll your child in, submit an application form with other documents required to the nursery school, and wait for the review and result.
As in some cases it takes 2 to 3 months for the review, we recommend that you make an early application for the entry.
Mid-year enrollment
Submit an application to the desired nursery school by the previous month of the desired enrollment month.
For the particular circumstance, such as mother-child family, if an application is submitted with all necessary documents no later than the 15th of a month prior to the desired enrollment month, the child may enroll the nursery school on the 1st day of the following month at earliest.
For more details, please contact:
Childcare support section, Welfare division: 0470-62-1117
>After school care program (Clubs for after school activities for children)
The program is available for children from 1st through 3rd grade of elementary school whose parents are not at home during day time due to work or so.
The fee is 5000 yen/month (7000 yen/month in August)
*The fee may change after next year depending on the budget.
>Number of children of nursery school and elementary school
Ohara elementary school (450), Tokai elementary school (200), Choja elementary school (200), Taito elementary school (200) are relatively more students than other schools. In some area, the number of student of the elementary school may be around 100.
Each school may have their own feature. It is recommended to look on the elementary and nursery schools before you decide the area to live.
For more details. You can check the school district etc.
>Is there any emergency hospital that is available during night time in Isumi-shi?
Isumi Medical Center has its function during night time, but the doctor of the department in charge may not be always available.
For more details, contact:
Iisumi Medical Center
1177 Kariya, isumi-shi
These were the most asked question.
There are many cases and we do not know everything, but we communicate with the relevant department of Isumi city government and other related organization to collect information.
If you have any question, please feel free to contact us.
Recently one family moved to Isumi.
They found a job in Isumi-shi that met their requirement after 2 years, and just started to look for a house. The reason they decided to move to Isumi-shi was that “they felt comfortable with the country view of the paddy field”
It may be good to visit the place repeatedly, feel the atmosphere of the area by your own, collect information from the people who are actually living the place, and compare with other places before relocation. It may take time, but you will find the better place you can live longer in the end.
When you visit Isumi, please stop at our office.
( Miho / Yasuko )
update : 2015/03/28 02:11
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