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Chimachi Market held on June 8

I was concerned about the rain that had been continued for days, but Chimachi Market was held actively on the day.

On the day, another local events as well as sports day in school were held, which were postponed because of rain, and some shop owner also cancelled their participation at the market because of rain, so that the market was held at a reduced scale.

The specialty on the day was this!! Many customers and shop owners were so curious.

Soap bubbles of big and small.

Both kids and adults were so excited!

Also a group “Wakku Wakku” held an event “Building green dorm” in the yard.

Kids painted a picture on the plant pots and put them underneath the green dorm.

It is interested how this green dorm is going to be change in the future.

Also, “Chimachi cooking lesson” was held by “Kyarabuki (butterbur stalks boiled in soy sauce) Promotion Group”.
They made “milk kuzumochi (mill arrowroot cake)”, “milk yokan (milk jelly using agar made of seaweed)”, plus “milk bavarois.” These are all easy to make.

These are sweets in which lots of wisdom of local moms and grandmas are contained.
Even I will be able to make them at home.

Shop owners and customers are loosely connected in the market.
It was such a nice day.

The next market is on July 13 2014.

(Chie / Yasuko)

Participants of “International Producer Class, Morning University of Marunouchi” visited us on May 17, 2014.

On May 17, participants of International Producer Class, Morning University of Marunouchi visited our office.

This class is for working people and held at Marunouchi Building every week. The theme of this class is “Let’s appeal the attractiveness of Japan to the world”.

All the lectures are given in English.

Mr. Everett Brown, a representative of Brown’s Field, is a lecturer of the class.
The fieldwork had previously held in Isumi (See the previous field work) and it was held again this year for 2 days 1 night.

No less than 35 people visited our office this time, and we introduced Isumi city and our activities of Isumi Lifestyle Laboratory to them.

Mr. Kimizuka, a chairman of our organization, presented our activity briefly and Q&A session was held.
In addition to questions about our activities, there were variety of questions about Isumi city and community.

It was the first visit to Isumi for most of them, but many were interested in Isumi. There were many voices, such as “I will visit here for holiday next time.” “I would like to live in Isumi.”

I also used to be a business person working in Marunouchi, so that participants might have found something in common with me. We talked a lot.

It was very short time, but I think we could have talked of many things.

It will be great if they visit Isumi again.

( Chie / Yasuko)

There you are! A flyer of the 6th Boso Star Market(May 25th) is now ready.

Boso Star Market is an event where shops from Boso (peninsula) area get together for 1 day to sell their specialty food and goods.
Attractive shops come together at Otaki Vegetable Garden this time as well.

What’s NEW!
1. “Star Market*theater”
There will be a marionette show by Mr. & Mrs. Pavel from Czech Republic who now live in Isumi city.
The title of the story is “Little Red Riding-Hood.”
You will be caught up in the story while you feel an atmosphere of Czech Republic where is the home of marionette.
The marionettes (puppets) are all handmade of Mr.&Mrs. Pavel.

2. “If you bring your own tableware…”
At Boso Star Market, they are encouraging customers to bring their own tableware and own bags as much as possible to reduce the amount of waste.
Some shops will give you discount or some additional service in appreciation for your cooperation. Please see the flyer for more details.

Besides, new shops are also there!
Please visit the market as attractive foodstuffs and handmade goods of Boso area get together.

Please stop by our office as the new flyer is now available here.

(Shu / Yasuko)

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